Seth Mattox

Seth Maddox

My Story

Owner/Founder @opseat and @apexminecraft, coder/designer, gamer, rock climber, foodie, web wizard at Bairkan and Studied Finance at University of South Florida.


Feel Better, Look Better, Game Better with Professional PC Gaming Chairs #GAMEOP at

The main reason you would use an OPSEAT is to improve your game. While OPSEAT can help with ergonomic support at an affordable price, we can also go even further for you. Our unique position has given us relationships with many of the Esports competitors, Content Creators, and Gaming industry professionals making a living off games. The goal of this channel is to bring these professionals together to discuss what they do, how they make a living doing it, and the challenges they’ve faced along the way. Our hope is that you will not only learn a little more about the people you follow, but have the opportunity to follow in their footsteps and become a gaming professional of your own. This is the age where you can make a living in video games. Together, let’s discover the reality of this industry and how you too can become a part of it.


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