Today started out with me arriving at my historic venue NOVA 535 a bit earlier than usual. To meet Harvey, of Harvey Photos, plus a handful of soon to be birthday suit wearing models, and a nice photographer and a reporter combo reporting for the Tampa Bay Times. What used to be the St. Petersburg Times when I was a kid. Harvey Drouillard is a talented fine art photographer, with an extraordinary flair for surprising us. In some of the most pleasant of ways. After solving (most) all of the (foreseeable) logistical issues, he stages beautiful and unique locations, like historic venues, airports, public sidewalks, and such, with his naked models. They pop in quickly and unexpectedly, Harvey watching and photo-capturing those precious moments, then whoosh, the show is over. Nakedness dissolving like a noontime fog. After a long day filled with 5 separate shoot locations, Harvey returns to join us, his fellow Entrepreneurs, for our weekly gathering. Yup, it’s Thursday night again, this one is May 16, 2019. After some initial schmoozing and sipping of cocktails, we’ve settled into the sit-down, meeting part of the night. To discuss many things, including our Naked Aspirations. (more…)
Around the Web

Three Kathleens and a Robot
It’s funny. I’m standing at NOVA 535’s beautiful 60 foot long ‘S’ bar (S is for Sexy and St. Pete), awaiting my fellow Entrepreneurs to roll in. Yea it’s Thursday night, May 9, 2019, and 6:00 pm approaches, and now has past, while new and familiar faces line up at the bar. One of the newcomers is Kathleen Logan, a local Family Law Attorney. One is Kathleen Seide, founder of Seide Realty and another Kathleen has a most wonderful Hat-a-Tude. And one is a robot. Three Kathleens and a Robot. Well, maybe one of the lovely, smiling ladies pictured below is not a robot… or is she? We do meet a robot tonight, before dinner even.

An Inbox Full of Queenshead
For someone as organized as I’ve always been, something I’ll see tonight, and share with you all, is quite shocking. Yup, it’s Thursday night again, the 2nd of May, as 2019 races by. Time is relative and my perception of the passage of time continues to speed up. So many people, tasks, responsibilities, activities, then throw on top of the head spin from 416 days of traveling. Photos, memories, new friends collected upon the way. Always reading several books at once, including the all-powerful Haruki Murakami. He is a grandmaster with messing with your sense of time. Toss into that mix, my struggles and steady progress towards completing my own two books, It’s 5 AM Go Home, and World’s Favorite Words. Oh, right! Then there is the managing, promoting, organizing and hosting of you klowns, my lovely fellow Entrepreneurs. So as I sit at Queenshead Restaurant and Bar, while my historic venue NOVA 535 is thankfully booked for the annual Crohns and Colitis Foundation Fundraiser, I wonder, as the rain beats down on the head of the Queen, will anyone even show up? Of course, the delightful owner Tracy Asalita is here, discussing her efforts towards their 10 Year Anniversary party, June 8, 2019. Tick Tock, Tick Tock, I foresee an Inbox Full of Queenshead tonight.

Gosh Dorn Clean
Wow!, these busy weeks just fly by. It seems that our 7 day week has been reduced to about 3, maybe 4 days. Blip blap bloop and it’s Thursday night again. This one lands on the 25th of April, 2019, scarily at the almost halfway mark into 2019. Gratefully we are gathering, once again, for networking, biz dev, tom-foolery, blowing off steam, ordering cocktails, and just about anything we can do to help lower the stresses of running your own business. No matter what size and scale, they are all difficult, mine included. I’m the super insane guy who has been trying, thankfully somewhat successfully, to manage the live event business. Weddings, Celebrations, Fundraisers, Celebrations, Meetings, and Film Shoots. Several events each and every week, here at my historic downtown St. Pete venue NOVA 535. Between that and running this ESC Klown Show, I am actually making progress on my first book, It’s 5 am Go Home, a wild, crazy and informative peek into my life, as a guy making his living hosting amazing parties and weddings.
![The Comfort of Friends and Good Food with the Entrepreneur Social Club [tm] at historic downtown St. Pete venue NOVA 535 then dinner at Callaloo](
The Comfort of Friends and Good Food
Tonight is Thursday, April 18, 2019, and our weekly gathering for networking, biz dev, socializing, mentoring, learning, growing, fooling around, acting silly, blowing off the pressure and steam of running your own business enterprise has arrived. Our special time, when we gather to share and celebrate the comfort of friends and good food, is upon us. We need this, because when the entire responsibility flows through you, the visionary, the founder, the center core, you never get a break. Running your business “show” is 24/7/365, and we, the Entrepreneur Social Club [tm] are here to help you improve in all aspects while you have a really, really good time. Tonight we enjoy the comfort of friends and good food.

Xpress Yourself
Let’s Xpress Yourself tonight, with your movements, words, actions, business and playing cards, your dinner and drink choices, and whether you follow me along to the after party. Let’s see if you can hang with el Globetrotter!! OH and welcome to the Entrepreneur Social Club [tm], the ESC is open and it’s time to Xpress Yourself!! (Just keep the religion and politics out.)

The Future of Back in the Day
Unfortunately, or not, I’ve still gotta experience, organize, type and publish my stories here, old school. Ish. Like “Back in the Day,” I’m still taking photos with a physical camera, editing them on my computer, and typing these words on a frustrating keyboard. One that I still have to look at here and there for the correct keys. Liquid Paper and 8 1/2″ x 11″ paper, plus those maddening printers are gone from my desk, but typing and thinking and crafting a story are still the same as Back in the Day. So tonight we discuss the future and what “back in the day” means to us all.

Leaving our Legacy
Hey, I’m Globetrotting Entrepreneur Michael Scott Novilla, traveling our planet, ( see where I’ve been) connecting and mentoring my fellow Entrepreneurs. While I’m home in Sunny St. Pete Florida, I enjoy hosting my weekly Entrepreneur Social Club [tm], held most always at my historic Downtown St. Pete venue NOVA 535. Tonight is Thursday, March 28, 2019, and we are back here inside my 100-year-old brick building, the ESC HQ, NOVA 535. It does feel good to be home. Let’s see what we got into tonight, including a most interesting discussion about leaving our legacy.

A Laughter Filled NOVA Comedy Night
The “S” in ESC, stands for Social. A most important part, let’s call it the heart, of our club. Our Social Club. The Entrepreneur Social Club [tm]. So as we gathered once again, at our HQ, the world-class historic downtown St. Pete venue, NOVA 535, we had an extra reason to smile. Tonight, Thursday Match 21, 2019, our members strolled in, beginning at 6 pm, sauntering up to the bar, saying their hellos, with warm hugs and welcomes all around. There was an extra crackle of positive energy in the air, as tonight we were anticipating a Laughter Filled NOVA Comedy Night.

So where am I?
After my mind-blowing, epic 416 days of travel around the globe, I still wake up each day, to the exact same question. So where am I? It’s surreal, exhilarating and momentarily befuddling; then my home bedroom wall comes into focus. Yes, OK, no packing today. I’m back in my hometown, beautiful Downtown St. Pete, Florida. Unsurprisingly, I haven’t found any edges to our globe yet, even after adding all these stops to my globetrotting list…